Frequently Asked Questions
Will my child miss class to speak with the counselor?
necessarily. Frequently, meetings take place at lunch/recess. However,
if this is not possible, every effort is made to coordinate convenient
times with the classroom teacher.
If my child visits with the counselor, should I be concerned that there is a problem?
counseling program at GMES is designed to benefit ALL students. All
students are given the opportunity to come visit with me. Parent/Guardian contact is one of my first actions when
significant concerns arise at school. If you have any questions or
concerns about your student's behavior, achievement, and/or school
activities, please don't hesitate to contact the counselor or other
school personnel.
How can my child see the counselor?
Referrals to the school counselor come from a variety of sources, including:
- Teacher
- Educational Assistants
- School nurse
- Student Support Team
- Administration
- Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
- Students may set up a time to see me by filling out a Purple Slip and sliding it under my door. Purple slips are outside my office, in the main office and in classrooms.
What types of counseling supports are delivered by a School Counselor?
Counseling: A process where students discuss issues in a safe,
positive, and confidential setting. Topics are based on the needs of the
students and may include: feelings, changing families, peer pressure,
friends, stress, academics, social skills, bullying, getting
along with others, problem-solving, and decision-making.
Guidance/Classroom Counseling: The Rochester School District has adopted a Social Emotional Learning Curriculum for K-8 students called Second Step. This K-8 curriculum addresses personal, social, academic and emotional needs at the child's developmental level. Topics may include Empathy, Skills for Learning, Emotion Management, Problem Solving, Stress management, Personal Safety and Bullying Prevention.
What programs does the school counselor at GMES support?
- Development, implementation, and monitoring of behavior plans
- PBIS Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
- Education that is Multicultural
- Schoolwide Developmental Classroom Counseling Program
- Second Step, Bully-Prevention/Intervention Program
- Social/Emotional Learning Development
- Ride the Wave (5th grade stress management)
- Child Protection Curriculum
- Parent-partnerships: conferencing, resourcing
- ESD113 Mental Health Referrals
- Section 504 plans
- McKinney Vento Program
What types of activities does the school counselor at GMES typically use?
- Ice-Breaker Exercises
- Art, Play and Literature
- Conflict-Resolution
- Video-clip discussion/analysis
- Role Plays
- Therapeutic Games
- Active Listening Skill-Development
- Classroom Counseling Programs and Games
- Sand Tray Therapeutic Play